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Chicago: The Homegrown Impact Investing Hub
The Maternity Care Coalition: A Model in Board and Staff Development and Engagement
PHMC's Melissa Fox Leads Through Determination and a Passion for Mission
Resourceful Leadership Delivered with Care: An Interview with Linda Peyton of the Legal Clinic for the Disabled
Leadership Profile: From Harrisburg, PA to Africa, Tanya Weaver Fearlessly Leads AFC AIDS
Retail Clinics and Data's Role in Preserving and Expanding the Retail Clinic Industry
Place Matters: Perceived Neighborhood Safety and Social Support During Childhood and its Impact on Mental Health
The Role of Data in Leading Change, Advancing Health, and Assessing Progress
Improving Child Health Outcomes: Addressing Policy Barriers to Caring for Parents in the Pediatric Setting
PHMC's Community Health Data Base: Utilizing Data for Strategic Planning
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health by Placing Legal Advocates in Community Health Centers
Tech for Good: Using Innovation to Improve Outcomes from Sudden Cardiac Arrest
New App to Help Assess Environmental Health Risks
Pharmacists as Potential Option to Current Doctor Shortage
The Vital Connection between Ending Homelessness and Revitalizing a Neighborhood
The ACA Changes the Game
Big Running Shoes to Fill
Identifying and Funding Social Innovations
How Screening Technology Empowers Individuals and Communities to Promote Health
Sustaining a Medical-Legal Partnership: Start at the Beginning
A Voice for Mental and Behavioral Health: Leadership Profile of Joseph Pyle, President of The Scattergood Foundation
Philadelphia FIGHT: Offering Comprehensive Care to Reduce Recidivism
Case Study: Community Health and Literacy Center, a first of its kind public-private partnership by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and City of Philadelphia
Staying the Course: Getting to Goal
Development at the Allegheny Senior Community: NewCourtland’s Innovative Model of Combining Housing with Supportive Services Enables Philadelphia Seniors to Age in Place
Building Sustainability for the Next Two Hundred Years: An Interview with the CEO of America’s Oldest Private Psychiatric Hospital
Healing Hurt People
What’s The Future of Behavioral Health? The Four Megatrends That Are Driving Innovation
On the Front Lines: At Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC)
Bringing Evidence-Based Practice to Community Based Behavioral Health: The Beck Initiative
Designing Person-Centered, Innovative Health Care: Integration or Parity?
A Journey Toward Full Integration: The Abbottsford Falls Community Health Center
The Philadelphia Primary Care Behavioral Health Network: Integrating Care, Practice, Workforce and Advocacy
Behavioral Health: Where Have We Been, Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
Scattergood Foundation Design Challenge
Stigma Reduction in Philadelphia
The Holistic Healthcare Safety Net System: Pennsylvania’s Next Frontier
The Innovation of Peer Support at MHASP
Training at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Constructive Disruption for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: The Parity and the Affordable Care Acts
Integration and the Child
Mental Illness & Violence: A Complicated Picture
The Future of Behavioral Health: Embracing a Public Health Approach
Behavioral Health Care Goes Holistic: Pay for Performance's Growing Role in Philadelphia
The future of healthcare is here: Partnerships with community-based organizations
The Lansdale Collaboration: Fostering Social Innovation through Collaboration
Finding Ways to Serve the MS Community Better
Affiliation Basics, the Public Health Management Corporation Story…
Special Needs Dentistry: Elwyn’s Dental Home for Supporting Oral Health
FreshRX: A Case Study in Disruptive Diligence
The Independence Foundation’s Nurse-managed Health Care Funding Initiative: Funding Strategies and History
Sampling my Suitcase of Spoken Word
Wounded Warriors and the Healing Power of Stories: How Veterans’ Narratives Can Help Us Understand and Address the Public Health Impacts of War
Using Theatre to Engage People in Public Health Discourse that Inspires Real-World Change
Witnesses to Hunger: Changing the Dialogue on Hunger and Poverty through Photography and Testimony
Our Stories, Our Health: Media Partnership with Multiethnic Elder Communities
Bringing HIV, Substance Abuse and Homelessness into the University of Pennsylvania Anthropology Museum through Photo-Ethnography
The IBC Foundation: Investing in Innovation for a Healthier Community
Sunday Suppers: Creating Behavioral Change through the “Power of Family Meals”
Naveguemos con Salud: Providing Comprehensive Breast Health Support for Philadelphia Latinas
The Patient Provider Shared Decision Making Project: A Pilot to Evaluate the Use of Healthcare Decision Aids Among Patients Living in Poverty
The Mary Howard Health Center: Meeting the Health Care Needs of the Chronically Homeless in Philadelphia
A New Access Point for Primary Care: The School-Based Wellness Center at the Pan American Academy Charter School
Illness Management and Recovery for People with Mental Illness and Intellectual Disabilities
Nominated: Creative Health Services
Is Robotics a Potential Answer to America’s Looming Healthcare Crisis?
The Philanthropy Column
Washington, D.C.: A National Model for Lead Poisoning Prevention and Healthy Housing
El ABC de la Cultura Justa (The ABC of the Just Culture): The path to building a dependable organization
Using Evidence-based Programs to Get Beyond High-Cost Medical Care for an Aging Population
Health Promotion Council’s Slice of Innovativeness in the Public Health Landscape
Maximizing Participation Project (MPP): A Model for Engaging Medically Exempt TANF Recipients in Health and Employment
MANNA: An example of mission expansion done right
Congreso de Latinos Unidos: Establishing Primary Care Services in Eastern North Philadelphia
Integrated Health Services for Persons Living with Disabilities: “The Mayo Clinic for People with Disabilities”
Bringing Value-based Purchasing of Health Benefits to Greater Philadelphia through Establishment of a Regional Business Coalition on Health
Patient Activation: A New Perspective for Health Providers
Innovation in Public Health: Blending the Tried and True with New Directions
Starting from Scratch: How the Retail Clinic Industry Has Overcome Foundational Issues in Health Care
Innovating Nursing Education: Community Colleges Granting 4-Year Degrees
Alzheimer’s: A Disease We No Can Longer Afford to Sweep Under the Rug
Convenient Care Clinics: An Innovative Business Model that Broadens Primary Care Accessibility
The Philadelphia Urban Food and Fitness Alliance (PUFFA) Shapes Up Two Community’s Spaces, Ideas and Bodies
The Philadelphia Refugee Health Collaborative: Creating a Sustainable Refugee Health Care System
Farm to Families: Rebuilding Food Systems in North Philadelphia
Double Dollars: Transforming Food Accessibility Through Incentives
Social Innovations Tidbits
St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children: Bringing Preventive Pediatric Dental Care to Children in North Philadelphia
The Food Trust and the Fresh Food Financing Initiative: Eliminating “Food Deserts”
Medical-Legal Partnership|Philadelphia: Meeting Basic Needs and Reducing Health Disparities by Integrating Legal Services into the Healthcare Setting
Back to the Basics and Good Ideas; Let the Spirit of Innovation Prevail
Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP): Making Legal Representation Available to Vulnerable Groups
Health Federation of Philadelphia: Better Client Outcomes Through Integrating Behavioral Health Care into Primary Care
Paying Attention to Children’s Dental Care
The Pursuit of Progress
Applying New Disruptive Power to an Old Problem: How Innovative Entrepreneurialism is Helping to Fix Health Care